Yachting Clear Finishes Epifanes Rapidcoat with UV filter
Semi gloss varnish alternative. Provides an enhancing UV protecting fillm, bonds well to teak and other oily wood. Camouflages colour differences in wood. Pevents discoloring and emphasizes the natural wood grain. Excellent water resistance, maximum durability, UV protection and longevity.
Full UV resistant system on all interior and exterior woodwork above the waterline. Especially suited for use on teak. Also as quick drying grain filling coat prior to applying Epifanes Clear Gloss Varnish or Epifanes Woodfinish Gloss. Maintenance of one-and twocomponent varnishes regardless which brand.
Epifanes Brushthinner for Paint & Varnish
Epifanes Spraythinner for Paint & Varnish
750ml. is sufficient for 10m²/100 sq ft.
step by step system
For professionals
V.I.B. according GHS
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