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- 1. Maintenance of paint - and varnish systems
- 2. Building a perfect paint or varnish system step-by-step
- 3. Tips for best paint results
- The essence of good paint work is good preparation
- Personal safety and environment
- Degrease surfaces with the appropriate degreaser
- Use the correct type and grit sand paper
- Always use paint tools of good quality
- Pay attention to working conditions
- Applying techniques
- Calculating needed paint quantity
- Choice of varnish
- 4. safety datasheets
- Select colour
- Importers worldwide
- Blog
- How to varnish a boat step by step
- How to varnish a front door or furniture with Epifanes
- The challenges of offseason paint maintenance
- How to paint a steel boat
- How do you paint a fiberglass boat
- How to paint a narrowboat step by step
- Speed up varnishing with Epifanes PP Varnish
- The best alternatives for Interlux Brightside and Interlux Perfection.
- Video's
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